The Cricket Paper

Final over

- PHIL SALT Sussex batsman

On the Spot

Date of Birth: 28/08/1996 Marital Status: Single – girlfriend Meg

The Last

Bat you bought/used? Limited Edition bat by the Royal Cricket Company. They’re my new sponsors for last season and hopefully going forward for a few more years. The gear is top drawer. Big shout out to them, they’ve helped me out a lot over the past season. What’s on your Spotify playlist? A lot of Kendrick Lamar, Drake, any sort of hip hop, and also a bit of house music. Five-wicket haul or century? Century, any day of the week. I don’t bowl! I’d always take a century, looks better on the stats. Worst Injury you’ve had? Can’t really say heartbreak here, can I…luckily I’ve never had a serious injury! Best trophy you won? The best trophy for me – the one that meant the most – was Denbigh Town FC Under 10s manager’s player of the year. I was central midfielder, the winger got players’ player because he was all flashy, but I would just spray the ball and do the job, so I got manager’s player! I was chuffed with that.

The Jury’s Out

Tea or Coffee? I’m definitely a coffee man. Caribbean with the missus or Magaluf with the lads? Magaluf with the lads! All the time. It’s always good to have a tear up isn’t it! Red or white wine? White wine for me. 50 overs, t20 or County Championsh­ip? It’d be t20 and then 50 overs. I just find those formats a bit more exciting. Who’s your non-cricketing sporting hero? It’s a dead heat between Shaquille O’ Neal and Lebron James.

Time added on

Who did you support as a boy? In football Manchester City, which was a bit of a curse when we were playing teams like Tranmere Rovers. But luckily we got bought out by rich owners, which was the best day of my life to date. It’s all on the up now! Best coach you have ever played with? Keith Medlycott, who was my school coach and just made me realise what I wanted to do really with cricket. He’s always there for me in terms of advice. The most nervous when next into bat? There was a t20 against Hampshire at home this season – I’d played a few games for the first team already but my parents had just flown over from America, and it was the first game that they’d seen me. That was the most nervous I’ve been because I wanted to do well in front of them. Unfortunat­ely I made two runs in the end! One rule you could change? Maybe a six could be 12, and a four could be eight. It seems like if you hit a six, it’s a lot better than a four, so why’d you only get two more runs?! Three words to describe yourself? I’d say fat slogger but that’s only two! Which TV pundit makes you cringe and which do you really listen to? I heard Mark Nicholas say a few weeks ago David Warner would never go out in the 90s and he got out at 97. That made me say for God’s sake Mark, what have you done? I like David Lloyd, he’s quite funny. Obviously my mate Tymal Mills, he’s been doing well recently with his punditry, and he even made an appearance on the NFL at Wembley last month – he’s obviously making big strides in that area! Do you have any superstiti­ons? Sometimes, when City are playing, I wear my City top, but apart from that nothing. Hobbies outside of cricket? I love to play golf. I’m alright! There’s a funny story about that, my handicap is actually an eight, but we can probably leave that out of The Cricket Paper, or the lads will get on to me! Dream dinner party guest? Just me and Shaquille O’ Neal!

And finally:

Who is the worst dressed player at the club? This is a tricky one – the boys are all pretty sharp. It’s not Stuart Whittingha­m, he’s always immaculate. I don’t think any of them would say me – honest!

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