The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Saturday

A taste of something new

- KATHRYN FLETT Telegraph restaurant critic

Let’s face it, the industry – particular­ly in London – was already in trouble even before Covid-19 turned up like The Grim Reaper trading in his scythe for a Wüsthof.

Big chains with sizeable premises may emerge relatively unscathed while, even as I write, Sardine (my favourite opening of 2016: “not merely good, properly great”) has gone under. Intimate small-scale restaurant­s were unlikely to have adapted to the twometre rule and may still struggle with the one metre; Sardine’s beating heart was its long, skinny communal table.

And yet, I refuse to believe that the cleverest restaurate­urs won’t somehow find ways to both survive and thrive.

The Corbin & Kings of the world will have the flexibilit­y and, frankly, the cash to finesse their offers to match health and safety demands without compromisi­ng on atmosphere… for the rest, a survival-of-the-fittest mentality will depend on luck as much as skill. And, indeed, on the weather, too. For the next few months, anywhere with an outdoor space has the potential to make a killing. Let’s all do our bit to help put the Restaurant-Reaper out of business.

Tips for diners

> Book well ahead

Most restaurant­s have reopened with limited capacity and with the public’s pent-up appetite for eating out tables will be in short supply.

> Look for outdoor hospitalit­y

Pubs, cafés and restaurant­s with outdoor seating are likely to accommodat­e more customers, providing more of a buzz than an empty spot.

> Be prepared to wait

Whether it’s for a reservatio­n, or in a queue before being allowed in to ensure social distancing is met, patience may be required, especially as restaurant­s (and customers) find their feet.

> Expect changes

Eating behind screens or being served by masked waiters may be unsettling, but be reassured that increased cleaning is going on behind the scenes.

> Consider alternativ­es

Many pubs and restaurant­s have morphed into delis, begun offering deliveries or launched recipe kits for home cooking: delicious ways of enjoying their food without eating in.

> Stay safe

Just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should. If you’re vulnerable it might be better to wait; if you’re unwell, don’t go.

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