The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Agent’s version Mckay’s timeline of the tragedy


According to agent Willie Mckay, this is a timeline of flights arranged as part of Emiliano Sala’s transfer to Cardiff,

Dec 5 Cardiff manager Neil Warnock, assistant Kevin Blackwell, me and my son Mark travel to Nantes for their match against Marseille. Meet Marseille director of football Andoni Zubizarret­a at team hotel to discuss two players and any available in the January transfer window. Meet president of Nantes before watching club’s 3-2 win, in which Sala scores a goal and makes another. All return to UK after the match.

Jan 8 Warnock, Cardiff player liaison officer Callum Davies, and ourselves travel to Nantes for match against Montpellie­r. Sala comes to meet them at their hotel and Warnock invites him to Cardiff to meet chief executive Ken Choo and discuss terms.

Jan 9 Travelling party return to Cardiff.

Jan 14 Sala’s agent, Meissa N’diaye, flies from Paris to Nantes to collect Sala and bring him to Cardiff for contract talks. We collect him from the airport to take him to the stadium. Sala and N’diaye return the same day to Nantes and Paris, respective­ly. The plane then returns to Guernsey, where it is based.

Jan 18 Sala travels to Cardiff for his medical after a transfer fee is agreed with Nantes. Mark collects Sala from the airport. N’diaye arrives from Paris on a scheduled flight. We organise a plane for him to return to Paris for meetings, while Sala goes to St David’s Hotel, where he stays overnight. A flight, which Davies is aware of, is arranged for the following day to take Sala back to Nantes to say his goodbyes.

Jan 19 Sala returns to Nantes. The pilot stays over waiting for him to get his affairs in order.

Jan 21 The same plane and pilot depart for Cardiff, with Sala due to meet Davies at the Signature Flight Support building at

Cardiff Airport.

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