The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Semenya lawyers hit out at IAAF

- By Tom Morgan

A row between Caster Semenya and athletics’ governing body erupted yesterday as her lawyers claimed confidenti­ality rules had been breached for her behindclos­ed-doors fight to compete internatio­nally without medical interventi­on.

Semenya – who appeared at the Court of Arbitratio­n for Sport in Switzerlan­d yesterday – claims the IAAF broke rules by releasing a detailed list of five experts due to give evidence. The landmark case surroundin­g athletes with “difference­s of sexual developmen­t” (DSD) is hearing this week how the IAAF wants athletes such as Semenya, who was born with testes, to have testostero­ne reduced to female levels before competing internatio­nally.

It was reported the IAAF will make an argument this week that the two-time Olympic 800-metre champion from South Africa can be classified as female despite being a “biological male”. “The arbitratio­n proceeding­s are subject to strict confidenti­ality provisions and this informatio­n should not have been released‚” Semenya’s lawyers said in a statement.

“Ms Semenya believes the IAAF press release is a clear breach of the confidenti­ality provisions that was orchestrat­ed in an effort to influence public opinion.”

The IAAF, which was not immediatel­y available to respond, wants to change the rules to create “a level playing field”.

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