The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Semenya rebukes Coe for ‘opening old wounds’


Caster Semenya’s camp issued a rare emotive statement last night accusing Sebastian Coe of “opening old wounds” after his comments about efforts to force the South African into taking testostero­ne-lowering medication.

Semenya and the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Athletics Federation­s (IAAF) are waiting to hear whether the governing body’s rules requiring female athletes with naturally high testostero­ne levels – termed DSD (difference­s of sexual developmen­t) athletes – to take medication to compete in certain events will be implemente­d.

That decision, to be taken next month by the Court of Arbitratio­n for Sport, will have far-reaching consequenc­es, with IAAF president Lord Coe adamant the rule is for “the protection of fair competitio­n and fair play”. He told the Australian Daily Telegraph last weekend: “The reason we have gender classifica­tion is because if you didn’t then no woman would ever win another title or another medal or break another record in our sport.”

Those words prompted Semenya’s camp to rebuke Coe. “Ms Semenya remembers her story breaking out of Australia 10 years ago on the eve of her competing in the 2009 World Championsh­ips,” said the statement. “After winning the 800 metre final Ms Semenya stood in the middle of the stadium knowing everyone watching was judging her. She was 18.

“The nature of the intrusive medical examinatio­ns Ms Semenya was subjected to following the event were discussed publicly, including by the IAAF.

“The scars Ms Semenya has developed over the past decade run deep. She has endured and forged herself into a symbol of strength, hope and courage. Reading the comments of Mr Coe this weekend opened those old wounds.”

The double Olympic and triple world champion is unbeaten over 800m since September 2015, but would not be able to compete in distances between 400m and the mile under the IAAF’S new rules unless she takes medication.

 ??  ?? Spotlight: Caster Semenya is again under scrutiny
Spotlight: Caster Semenya is again under scrutiny

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