The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - The Telegraph Magazine

Good-looking resolution­s and hi-tech solutions

Lisa Armstrong


Resolution time

This is the lull in the season where you get to reset those bad habits acquired during 2020, reflect on the good ones, and make some achievable resolution­s.

1 Less is more. We’re doing too much to our hair, putting too much on our skin, and stressing about missed exercise and meditation sessions. There are plenty of challenges ahead without guilting yourself about your beauty regime. If convention­al meditation leaves you agitated, try walking instead.

2 I will say it again: keep things simple: a serum or some hyaluronic acid, an oil, a moisturise­r, a gentle cleanser – basta! Occasional­ly you can hack into this routine with some topical vitamin C, or some bakuchiol (an easier-onthe-skin alternativ­e to retinol), but not every day. Remember, vitamin C is an acid, and while not as harsh as AHAS, should be approached with caution

3 Don’t forget the power of a good diet – and supplement­ation where necessary. Instead of slapping on yet more topicals, you might find a daily dose of probiotics works wonders. Vitamin C, vitamin D, iron (good for hair and nails as well as fatigue), highqualit­y, bioavailab­le collagen, and B complex will all plump and brighten skin and eyes.

4 How you apply is as key as what you apply. Take time to massage products in. Do it in the evenings on the sofa. This is how you justify watching trash TV.

5 The fanciest products in the world won’t combat daily follicle abuse. A silk pillow and/or silk-covered scrunchies, a gentle detangling brush and heatprotec­ting spray are what you need. Top cutter Joel Goncalves, at John Frieda, counsels against stretching fine hair – that thing many salons do when they blow-dry tresses to maximise length and (temporary) shine. ‘Don’t fight your hair,’ he says. ‘Get the cut that suits it instead of forcing it to do something that doesn’t come easily.’

6 Don’t get hung up on cardio. Too much can trigger cortisol production and be ageing. So focus on yoga, Pilates, qigong, rebounding. Set shortterm rewards to create good habits. If you’re taking up running, download a good thriller to listen to while exercising.

7 Clear out your bathroom cabinet. A sixmonth-old mascara might be OK, but a 10-year-old eyeshadow palette isn’t.

8 Ban ranges that use unnecessar­y amounts of plastic.

9 Don’t overlook the humble and the cheap. Castor oil on nails and lashes? Nothing better.

Ultimate Cleanse Rose Cleansing Balm, £12, Pure (marksand
SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE, AFFORDABLE Ultimate Cleanse Rose Cleansing Balm, £12, Pure (marksand
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