The Daily Telegraph

Risky inmates not flagged up at release

- By David Barrett Home Affairs Correspond­ent

HIGH-RISK inmates are not being properly identified before being released from one of Britain’s largest prisons, a report has disclosed.

Pentonvill­e, in north London, was suffering from a “failure of management and leadership”, said Nick Hardwick, the chief inspector of prisons.

Staff shortages had affected the way the prison operated, including systems designed to protect the public when inmates are freed at the end of their sentences, he said.

Inspectors found one assault a day took place in the Victorian jail, on average, and violence had doubled since their last visit two years ago.

The report said: “Levels of violence were very high and had increased dramatical­ly. In the previous six months, there had been 185 assaults, 66 of which had been on staff and 119 on prisoners, and 80 fights.

“These figures were very much higher than at other, similar prisons and almost double those found at the time of the previous inspection.

“There had also been an increase in the number of incidents involving the use of weapons.”

Inspectors found the squalor inside the 1,260-inmate Category B prison “shocking”. There were piles of rubbish in the grounds, filthy lavatories and bloodstain­s on the walls, doors and furniture of one cell.

Staff were using one prisoner shower room as a smoking room, the report said. Mr Hardwick said: “Acute staff shortages had undermined the delivery of offender management which was very poor.

“Far too many prisoners, including those presenting a high risk of harm, were without an offender supervisor, sentence plan or risk management plan.”

He added: “Notwithsta­nding the need for investment, the very poor standards we observed – some of which were put right during the inspection when we demanded it – and the poor staff culture, evidenced, in our view, a failure of management and leadership.”

Risks posed by prisoners were “not always identified” and the system sometimes failed to flag up high-risk inmates for special measures ahead of release.

The report also highlighte­d a significan­t drug problem.

The jail had high rates of positive drug tests but too few prisoners underwent the tests, it said.

Mr Hardwick said: “The prison needs a firmer grip and a persuasive plan that will ensure immediate deliverabl­e and sustained improvemen­ts.” Pentonvill­e opened in 1842 and its four main cell blocks have changed little since.

Michael Spurr, chief executive of the National Offender Management Service, said: “When inspectors visited in February the prison was going through a particular­ly difficult time.

“They were operating below staffing complement, performanc­e had slipped and standards of cleanlines­s were unacceptab­le.

“Since the inspection a robust recovery plan has been put in place.”

Mr Spurr said that he had visited Pentonvill­e last week and had found that it was “ordered, more stable and much cleaner”.

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