The Daily Telegraph

Jeremy Corbyn wins support because he stands for clear principles


SIR – Before the general election, the Tory press clamoured for something to differenti­ate the parties. The Daily

Telegraph challenged the Tories to state clearly their mission.

In the last week of April, with three weeks to go, the Conservati­ve Party came clean and based its appeal on the two pillars of Conservati­sm: individual responsibi­lity and private enterprise. And the election was duly won.

A party in politics for the power that bases its appeal on do-goodism is, as the Lib Dems demonstrat­ed, doomed.

Jeremy Corbyn is the only contender for the Labour leadership who clearly espouses the socialist ethos of workers’ rights and public ownership, the twin pillars of Labour principle. It is no surprise that Tory supporters are so vociferous in his condemnati­on.

Ron Billard

Dorking, Surrey SIR – On the same day that I read about Greece embarking on a programme of privatisat­ion of state assets in order to balance its budget I also read that the Labour Party was heading to elect Jeremy Corbyn, who is proposing renational­isation.

Has the Labour movement learnt nothing?

Bernard Maskell

Croyde, Devon SIR – When the Labour Party changed its leadership voting rules it didn’t think things through and is now living with the unintended consequenc­es.

Let’s be thankful that Labour isn’t in power for us to have to contend with more of the party’s unintended consequenc­es.

Stephen Gledhill

Evesham, Worcesters­hire SIR – It is rich that Tony Blair says that Jeremy Corbyn will be the death of Labour.

Mr Blair is surely the architect of Labour’s demise by having introduced devolution in Scotland and Wales – a clear road to ultimate independen­ce.

Stewart H Macdonald

Cardross, Argyll SIR – Polls show that most voters in the United Kingdom reject Trident, not just those in Scotland. Jeremy Corbyn is the only leadership candidate to represent this majority view.

As Labour leader, Mr Corbyn’s firm anti-Trident stance would win support in Scotland – and in the rest of the country too.

He can promise to scrap Trident and spend the £100 billion on reversing some of the cuts. He’d be backed by the TUC, Unison and many other unions who oppose Trident.

Mr Corbyn represents the public’s view on Trident, just as he stood with the public on Iraq. He has the policies and qualities to win a general election.

Walter Wolfgang Vice-Chair, Labour CND Richmond upon Thames, Surrey SIR – How can anyone who served under Ed Miliband, failing to recognise him as a sulking dreamer, aspire to the mantle of leadership?

Peter T Blacker

Dorchester, Dorset

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