The Daily Telegraph

Hard-Left’s tactics


SIR – It is clear that Jeremy Corbyn is determined to remain hard-Left, although 80-90 per cent of Labour MPs are in strong disagreeme­nt.

Mr Corbyn’s unlikely ascent to opposition leader was accomplish­ed through classic Trotskyist tactics, and the new Labour leadership, whatever it says to the contrary, is likely to use all available tools to replace moderate Labour MPs with Left-wingers, as was attempted in the Eighties.

The coming boundary changes and the penetratio­n of local Labour Party structures by Leftists will give Mr Corbyn and his acolytes ample opportunit­y to displace incumbent moderate Labour MPs over time. These moderates know this and, if they want to save their necks – and MPs generally do – they have limited time in which to break away from Mr Corbyn’s Labour to create a new party.

The longer they wait, the more difficult it will become to pull this off, as Mr Corbyn becomes more establishe­d and their own positions become increasing­ly vulnerable.

Moderate Labour MPs should move swiftly to create a new party, with or without the rump of the Liberal Democrats. Given their numbers, the new party would automatica­lly retake the opposition front bench and consign Mr Corbyn and allies to the back benches where they belong.

Gregory Shenkman

London W8

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