The Daily Telegraph

Use your brain to beat the flu

- Linda Blair Internatio­nal Journal of Behavioura­l Medicine

Flu season is nearly upon us. Flu – real flu, which is so much more than just a cold – is something everyone hopes to avoid. The flu jab is recommende­d for some, particular­ly the over-65s and those with certain medical conditions. Furthermor­e, we’re given lots of ways to look after our physical health. We’re told to take regular aerobic exercise, eat a healthy diet that includes foods high in antioxidan­ts, vitamins and minerals, get adequate rest, and wash our hands thoroughly and often. However, little advice is given about how to boost the immune system using psychologi­cal techniques. This is a shame, because there’s so much that links our attitudes to the health of our immune system.

First, try always to maintain an optimistic outlook. A simple way to start is to become aware of your choice of words. For example, instead of saying you’re feeling “worried” or “threatened”, say that there are some issues you’re “going to sort out”. In terms of health, rather than “avoiding the flu”, tell yourself you’re “building good health”. This may sound trivial, but the phrases we use colour our attitudes, which have a powerful effect on our health. An analysis of 83 studies concluded that optimism was a significan­t predictor of good physical health outcomes – for cardiovasc­ular disease and various cancers as well as for immune response.

Second, create time on a regular basis to relax. In the evening, instead of switching on the TV or checking your Twitter or Facebook feed, sit down in a comfortabl­e chair, dim the lights, and for 10 minutes, focus your full attention on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose for the slow count of four, and breathe out, also for four. Numerous studies have shown mindfulnes­s-based stress reduction, which includes exercises such as the one I’ve just described, has beneficial effects on immune function.

Third, get the best quality sleep you can. Try to go to bed at roughly the same time each evening, and prepare yourself for sleep with a comforting routine. Studies show that if you turn off all screens and dim the lights 20 minutes before you get into bed, this will allow melatonin to rise, and as a result, you’ll relax, get off to sleep more quickly and sleep more restfully.

It’s also important to look out for ways you can help other people. A review in the concluded that compassion is strongly correlated with wellbeing, happiness and health. Finally, make an effort to keep up your social contacts. Numerous studies have shown that spending time with those who matter most to you is associated with resilience and even longevity by quite a significan­t amount.

Linda Blair is a clinical psychologi­st. Her book, The Key to Calm (Hodder & Stoughton, £14.99), is available from Telegraph Books for £12.99. Call 0844 871 1514 or visit

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