The Daily Telegraph

We’ll rebrand Ukip by signing up waves of young voters at £3 a time, pledges Farage


THE UK Independen­ce Party could shake off its fusty image and rebrand itself to appeal to a new generation of younger voters after the EU referendum, Nigel Farage has suggested.

The Ukip leader wants his Euroscepti­c party to appeal more to 18to 30-year-olds and have a Jeremy Corbyn-style drive to win hundreds of thousands of new supporters.

His plan is to sign up young people for £3 a time on the internet, making them Ukip “shareholde­rs” with a veto over policies.

The party could be well placed to enjoy a surge in popularity if the Remain campaign wins the referendum, leaving a large minority of voters in the losing camp, mirroring the Scottish National Party’s success in Scotland after losing the 2014 independen­ce referendum.

This is because this group of people may find it hard to back any of the main parties, which all have pro-EU leaders.

Mr Farage said a mass sign-up could transform Ukip’s membership base by making it much younger.

He told Sky News’s Murnaghan: “All over the UK, I keep meeting people aged between 18 and 30 who are enthusiast­ic Ukippers [saying] ‘ We are right behind you mate – love your videos, we retweet your stuff ’.

“I am finding some really enthus-tiasic support in this segment of the population and yet not one of them has considered joining Ukip – they just don’t think about filling in a form, writing out a cheque, and sending it off, or having their membership card in their wallet. That generation does not engage with politics like that.”

Mr Farage said he wanted to ape the success of Italian comedian Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement party, which has 30 per cent support.

He said: “I think by going online, by modelling some of what Beppe Grillo has done in Italy, we can make Ukip a big political party.”

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