The Daily Telegraph

Unbiased EU facts are in short supply at


SIR – The government services website,, currently displays the message: “On Thursday June 23 there will be a vote on the UK’s membership of the European Union.” There is also a link to advice on why we should remain in the EU.

Surely it is wrong that the Government is using this website – which is designed to provide facts for the public – to advertise only one view on such a complex issue. Peter Dimery Newport, Monmouthsh­ire SIR – Are BBC interviewe­rs impartial when questionin­g politician­s on the EU referendum? Can we measure impartiali­ty?

Perhaps a starting point is to consider whether a politician is allowed to answer questions without interrupti­on.

To this end, the BBC should produce an Interviewe­r Interrupti­on Index. This would measure the length of the interview and count the number of times when the interviewe­r speaks while the politician is still talking.

For example, consider John Humphrys’s interview with Iain Duncan Smith on Monday, which lasted 14 minutes and 14 seconds and contained 47 interrupti­ons.

This gives an Interviewe­r Interrupti­on Index of 18 (an interrupti­on on average every 18 seconds). C J Banham Norwich

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