The Daily Telegraph

Devolved nations to be given ‘hotline’ to Brexit Secretary


LEADERS in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be offered a new “hotline” to the Brexit Secretary, Theresa May will announce today, as she prepares to host the first summit of the devolved nations since 2014.

The Prime Minister will tell leaders that how the UK leaves the European Union will not be a “binary choice” and “contrary to some speculatio­n, no final decisions have been taken”.

She will face first ministers at the meeting of the Joint Ministeria­l Council (JMC) in Downing Street today. If they agree, David Davis will also chair a new forum of the British administra­tions for regular talks on the Government’s approach to leaving the EU. It comes after leaders in Wales and Scotland called for the three devolved legislatur­es to be given their own votes on the Brexit negotiatio­ns plan, arguing that Article 50 should not be triggered without an agreed approach.

Mrs May will meet today with Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, her Welsh counterpar­t Carwyn Jones and Northern Ireland’s leader Arlene Foster and deputy Martin McGuinness.

Ahead of the talks, Downing Street said she was “ready to listen” to their proposals about the Brexit process.

Mrs May said: “I am determined that as we make a success of our exit from the European Union, we in turn further strengthen our own enduring union.”

She added that cooperatio­n between the British nations will be “absolutely vital to our success in the future”.

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