The Daily Telegraph

Tim Stanley:

Now that it’s won the EU argument, the party needs to choose a leader who will reflect its future identity

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And they’re off! Yesterday Suzanne Evans and Paul Nuttall declared their bids to run Ukip, and already the party’s second leadership election in two months looks far stronger than the first. So it should be. Ukip won the third highest number of votes in the general election, so it has enormous potential – if it can work out what it wants to be.

One problem is the mixed legacy of the charismati­c, domineerin­g former leader, Nigel Farage. We all have a favourite Nigel story. When we were both at the US Republican convention in July I tried to get an interview with him and was passed on to his media handler, George Cottrell. Cottrell, a 22-year-old aristocrat, proved evasive and a little rude. I assumed that their schedule was overwhelmi­ng, and eventually gave up. A few days later, I spotted a small story in a newspaper: on their way home, as Cottrell and Farage disembarke­d at Chicago airport, Cottrell was arrested by the FBI on suspicion of offering to launder money for drug lords. Cottrell denies it.

All parties attract oddities. Labour is currently run by one. But Ukip gets the most per square metre because Right-wing radicals are often eccentric and the party is organisati­onally dysfunctio­nal. Moreover, any battle for control of this mess will be articulate­d as a bitter battle over ideology – for one indeed exists.

It’s been many things before: libertaria­n; a soapbox for Robert Kilroy-Silk; an anti-Cameron revolt. It was Farage who realised that opposition to immigratio­n could build a broader constituen­cy of disaffecte­d Tories and working-class Labour voters. Economical­ly, they have very little in common. Marx would scratch his head at this coalition of retired southern stockbroke­rs and the northern proletaria­t.

But they are all “forgotten” in the cultural sense of feeling excluded from the national conversati­on. For years, politics was dominated by the priorities and language of the London bourgeoisi­e. This fostered alienation. Farage connected with millions by sounding more real than anyone else running for office – even his mistakes appeared humanising to some.

But populist protests like Ukip are easily co-opted. Enter Theresa May. Culturally, she is more Ukip than she might want to think: a dutiful vicar’s daughter, patriotic, mistrustfu­l of corporate power, and representi­ng a lower-middle-class constituen­cy that straddles the thin line between comfort and poverty. On immigratio­n, law and order and Europe, she speaks to Farage’s forgotten Britons.

Mrs May is never going to win Sunderland in a general election – but her populist pitch may well sweep enough Ukip votes to build an indomitabl­e parliament­ary majority. And within it you’ll find such a diversity of opinion that it could be said that the Tories are now the natural party not only of government but of opposition, too. From the backbenche­s, Roundhead Tories like John Redwood will argue that Brexit must mean Brexit. Cavalier Tories like Anna Soubry will argue that it mustn’t mean racism and economic suicide. In this environmen­t, who needs the Lib Dems or Labour? Who, moreover, needs Ukip if its Euroscepti­c militancy is already represente­d in the Commons? How is Ukip still relevant?

Leadership elections have a way of working these things out. Raheem Kassam, who declared his own candidacy to lead Ukip earlier this month, thinks the future is Trump. I bumped into him a couple of nights ago in London, where he was walking about with a large kebab, looking extremely confident that he could “Make Ukip Great Again” (Kassam’s slogan). He’s tremendous fun, and always up to things. You half expect him to offer to sell you some knock-off DVDs out of the back of his car.

But he’s dangerous. Kassam, who enjoys the support of financier Arron Banks, is part of the alt-Right, which has toxic views on British identity. As with many nationalis­ts, they misunderst­and the very nation that they trumpet. The UK is not the USA, and there’s no taste for Trumpery here.

Suzanne Evans is the anti-Kassam. A former reporter and Tory councillor, she would do the most to soften Ukip’s image and profession­alise it. I can imagine my suburban town in Kent voting for her. But it would also go nuts for May – and that’s why I wonder if Evans is the right candidate for this new era. As the Tory vote solidifies, surely the areas ripest for growth are those that currently vote Labour? In 2014, Ukip came within 600 votes of taking Heywood and Middleton away from Labour in a by-election. In 2015, Ukip came second in 120 seats – 44 of which were Labour. An internal Labour report concluded that the party was in danger of becoming “irrelevant to the majority of working people”.

Which leaves Paul Nuttall as the leadership candidate who seems best placed to exploit the political terrain. From Bootle, he has a natural appeal to working-class voters, is Right-wing in all the right places (crime) and Leftwing in all the correct ones, too (loves the NHS). Less well-known is that he’s a faithful Catholic and a respected academic.

Nuttall, or whoever wins, will not turn Ukip into a party with major parliament­ary representa­tion. Not only is the first-past-the-post system unhelpful to them, but Ukip has completed its mission of winning a referendum to leave the EU – and many of its former voters will now return to the mainstream. But it does have a continuing role to play in the tapestry of British politics if it can pull itself together.

Labour is in trouble. It is trapped in a London-centric war between outdated ideologies – Blairite and Marxist – that have no relevance in a wider country that has voted to enter a new era. May has recognised the changing mood and moved to swallow Ukip. Ukip must be agile and move to swallow Labour. Either this will lead to its emergence as an authentic voice of working-class dissent or, more benignly, it might compel Labour to reconnect with ordinary people.

For ultimately one dreams of a world in which protest politics are unnecessar­y because the two main parties are more competent and in touch with the rest of us. In which Evans can be a Tory and Nuttall can happily join Labour. And the far-Right crazies vanish from our television screens altogether.

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