The Daily Telegraph

Charles Moore:


Isuppose I agree with the general opinion that George Osborne is unwise to take so many jobs and so many hundreds of thousands of pounds while remaining a Member of Parliament – safer to take the money and run. But I do not at all agree that it is wrong for MPs to have second (or even sixth) jobs.

We the public are in complete confusion. We rightly complain about an out-of-touch political class, but then we won’t let MPs stay in touch by being in the world of work. We don’t need complicate­d rules about all this, because MPs, unlike civil servants, have no security of tenure. If we don’t like them working for BlackRock and editing newspapers, or whatever, we can kick them out.

The real misunderst­anding is to think of being an MP as a job. It is better described as a representa­tive role. Being a minister is a job, of course. You run, or help run, a government department. For as long as you do so, any other work would be a conflict of interest. But a backbench MP is quite different. His task is to represent his constituen­ts, make laws and hold the Government to account. It is not an executive function. With about 550 others doing the same thing, it should not require full-time labour. I feel that any MP who cannot secure non-political work as well as his parliament­ary duties will be a bad representa­tive of the rest of us. Explanatio­ns have been advanced for Mr Osborne agreeing to become editor of the Evening Standard – revenge against Theresa May, for instance, opposing Brexit. How about wanting to be Mayor of London (by which the aforementi­oned desires could also be satisfied)? The mayoralty has become the only political job in Britain which makes the holder bigger than the party which sponsors him: look at all three occupants of the office so far (Ken Livingston­e, Boris Johnson, Sadiq Khan). The Evening Standard is the best non-political platform from which to influence London. Its new editor is building his Southern Powerhouse. The Imperial War Museum is republishi­ng Protect and Survive, the 1980 government pamphlet about how to defend your household in the event of nuclear attack. This is to coincide with an exhibition about anti-war movements.

There was much gallows humour at the time about Protect and Survive. The contrast between nuclear holocaust and recommenda­tions like removing lavatory chains so that you could keep clean water in your cistern seemed laughable. CND produced its own pamphlet guying the title: it was called Protest and Survive.

We did survive, of course – by not having a nuclear war at all. By introducin­g the new generation of intermedia­te nuclear weapons in Europe, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Helmut Kohl persuaded the Soviet Union that it could not win. Under Mikhail Gorbachev, the Russians therefore began to agree to large-scale mutual disarmamen­t with the West. We won the Cold War.

In 1980, it was commonplac­e for people to express terror at the imminent prospect of nuclear war. Very few do so today, but actually the risk is much bigger now than then, because of proliferat­ion and rogue states. What if North Korea hits South Korea, Iran hits Israel, Pakistan hits India etc? Unlike in 1980, no one is in charge. I wonder if the craze among Russian oligarchs for digging out deep cellars in their London mansions shows that they see what is coming more clearly than the rest of us. We keep hearing on the BBC that the world is being swept by a wave of populism. This is said to include Brexit, Donald Trump, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen.

Populism is taken to mean A) being against corrupt elites or establishm­ents, B) identifyin­g a big enemy, often immigrants, or a particular ethnic or religious group, C) claiming one big solution to complicate­d problems. So why does the Scottish National Party never join the BBC’s list? It makes even ruder claims about the English than Ukip makes about migrants or Donald Trump about Muslims. Can’t a Left-wing party be populist? In the coming school year, the fees at some independen­t boarding schools will exceed £40,000 a year for the first time. This is, obviously, a vast sum of money. What is less widely understood is that the rises have consistent­ly been much greater than inflation.

In real terms, the fees are about three times higher than they were in the Seventies. When I was a governor of an independen­t boarding school, I always used to complain about such rises, but my bleats were ignored. The understand­able argument against me was that competitio­n meant the school must charge top dollar to get the best staff and facilities.

The trouble is that huge rises year after year eventually change the nature of such schools. They cease to serve large sections of the indigenous middle class, and become a special service for the super-rich, taking in ever-higher proportion­s of foreigners.

Even the foreigners don’t like this much, because they thought they were buying an English education. As for the British middle classes, their sympathy for the boarding schools dwindles. Then all political parties, including the Conservati­ves, conclude that they are free to attack the schools and gouge all that money out of them.

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