The Daily Telegraph

May tells how faith ‘helped me accept being childless’

- By Christophe­r Hope

THERESA MAY has told how her Christian faith sustained her after she realised she could not have children.

The Prime Minister said it was “very sad” that she never became a mother and said her faith kept her going after losing both her parents in her mid-twenties.

Earlier this week Mrs May and her husband Philip told the BBC’S One Show how she had been a victim of “fake news” when a newspaper wrongly claimed she had “a new baby” when she was trying to become an MP.

Mrs May was asked in an interview on LBC Radio about the impact of not having children.

She said: “It is impossible to answer the question about how I would have been had I done. It has been very sad it just turned out not to be possible for us.

“Of course we are not the only couple who finds themselves in that situation, and when you do, I suppose you just get on with life and you know we have got nephews and nieces.”

Asked by presenter Nick Ferrari if she would have been able to combine being a mother with a political career, the Tory leader praised colleagues in her Cabinet who have juggled parenthood with their duties.

She said: “They do apply themselves to that extent. They are just very well organised and that is the key thing.”

Mrs May, who was brought up in a vicarage, said that losing both her parents when she was 25 reinforced her belief in public service. When it was suggested the loss of her parents and realisatio­n she would not become a mother might make her lose her faith, she replied: “No, because it’s difficult to explain in simple words, but actually the faith was there and did provide support for me through those difficult times.”

In the interview Mrs May, a keen cook, said she would make slow-roasted lamb if Donald Trump was popping round for dinner.

‘The faith was there and did provide for me during those difficult times’

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