The Daily Telegraph

School criticised for ‘Victorian boot camp’

- By Olivia Rudgard

A SCHOOL has faced a backlash after asking children to walk with their hands behind them between lessons.

Market Harborough C of E Academy, Leics, has been criticised for the “Victorian” policy, which teachers say will help them develop “good habits”, promote “safety and encourage a “calm” atmosphere.

Children as young as four were encouraged to adopt the position to walk between classrooms and when returning to the building after lunchtime break.

Some angry parents described the policy as draconian. One mother, who has two children, said: “Even the youngest pupils are expected to do it. It’s far too much when they’re only four and just getting used to school in the first place. This regime is draconian. It’s like a boot camp – it’s 2017, not the dark ages.” One father called the policy “Victorian”.

After several parents suggested children could hurt themselves falling with their hands behind their backs, the school changed the policy to putting their hands by their sides or in front.

In a letter sent to parents last week, head teacher Emma Tayler said she was aware some parents had raised concerns .

She said: “This is one of a range of strategies to help children develop good behaviour, to develop good habits and to establish secure routines. This helps to ensure that our school of over 400 pupils is calm and safe, with all children ready to learn.”

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