The Daily Telegraph

Film choice


Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) SKY CINEMA PREMIERE, 8.00PM ★★★

 Tom Cruise resurrects one of his most arbitrary roles, as a former US military policeman with wrongs to right, goons of limited height to take down, and a framed colleague (Cobie Smulders) to bust out of jail. He may have been 54 when this was filmed, but Cruise barely stops running and has lost none of his thrill.

Le Week-end (2013) MORE4, 9.00PM ★★★★

 This smart, thoughtful drama about a long-married couple on a mini-break in Paris becomes richer the deeper you probe, like a bitter chocolate soufflé. Jim Broadbent and Lindsay Duncan star as Nick and Meg Burrows, who return to the French capital 30 years after their honeymoon to see what has changed: the answer, of course, is them.

Sliding Doors (1998) BBC ONE, 11.30PM; NI, 12.00MIDNIGHT ★★★

 Gwyneth Paltrow stars in this guilty-pleasure romcom about how a fleeting moment can change your path in life – in this instance it’s whether Helen (Paltrow) catches her train on time. At that moment, the film splits into parallel storylines: a) she makes it home to find her boyfriend cheating on her, or b) she doesn’t, and her humdrum life continues.

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