The Daily Telegraph

30 rows over getting ready every year? And the rest


According to a poll of 2,000 adults, waiting for your other half to get ready causes, on average, 30 arguments a year. That few! I think my husband and I must have exceeded our quota by February – and, counter-intuitivel­y, it isn’t me causing the rows. While I can be ready in 10 minutes, the same cannot be said of my husband, who prefers a much more leisurely routine. Let’s just say, for the sake of not putting you off your food, it involves taking an awfully long time on the loo.

At the weekend, when there are no time constraint­s, he can hog the bathroom for up to an hour. He goes in with his ipad and a newspaper, and doesn’t come out until someone is about to wet themselves – and even then at a push. I shouldn’t be surprised – when I moved in with him six years ago I was baffled by the amount of books in his bathroom. I thought it an odd place to keep your literary collection – personally, I prefer the living room or the bedroom. “That’s the gentleman’s library,” he said, when I asked if I could replace some of the tomes with my toiletries. “It’s sacred.” I decided, for the sake of our relationsh­ip, not to push the matter.

Does anyone else have a husband with a gentleman’s library? And if not, should I think about divorce or, at the very least, an extra bathroom?

 ??  ?? Reading material: my husband can hog the bathroom for a whole hour
Reading material: my husband can hog the bathroom for a whole hour

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