The Daily Telegraph

Workers stressed out due to ‘always on’ culture, study finds


 Adults are suffering a stress “epidemic” because of the “always on” workplace culture, a survey has found.

Pressure at work, financial worries and concerns about health all contribute to the culture of stress, a new report warns.

Four out of five British adults feel stressed during a typical week, while almost one in 10 were stressed all the time, a survey of 4,000 people by insurance giant Axa found.

Workplace stress was linked to the “always on” culture, with people taking calls or checking emails in evenings or at weekends.

More than two out of three were worried about their salary, while almost as many were concerned about paying household bills. Men were more likely to be stressed about work.

Many said they watch TV, listen to music, read, exercise or drink alcohol to help combat stress.

Cardiff was said to be the most stressed city, followed by Belfast, Sheffield, London and Leeds.

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