The Daily Telegraph

RSPCA asks for hedgehog aid


The RSPCA has reported a large influx of sick and underweigh­t hedgehogs as winter begins to tighten its grip.

The charity is running short of hedgehog food and bedding after around 500 of the creatures were taken to its wildlife centres in Norfolk, Somerset, Cheshire and East Sussex.

Hedgehogs are meant to be in hibernatio­n by this time of year, but the late onset of colder weather, scarcity of food sources and a boom in population means a large number may not have the fat reserves to make it through to the spring.

Those admitted to the RSPCA are severely underweigh­t at under 300g, and need to be built up before they can be released. The charity is appealing for donations of shredded paper or newspaper for bedding or special food from the RSPCA Amazon wish lists to cope with the increasing numbers.

Samantha Herbert

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