The Daily Telegraph

Treasure find rewrites Anglo-saxon history

- By Henry Bodkin

THE discovery of an “exquisite” gold pendant by a student metal detectoris­t is being credited with rewriting our understand­ing of Anglo-saxon history.

Thomas Lucking, 23, is in line for a £145,000 payout after unearthing an aristocrat­ic burial site in Norfolk. The find of a female skeleton wearing a pendant of gold imported from Sri Lanka and coins bearing the marks of a continenta­l king is prompting a fundamenta­l reassessme­nt of the seats of power in Anglo-saxon England.

A gold cross among the treasure counts as one of the earliest “potent” symbols of Christiani­ty ever found. The Norwich Castle Museum is now raising the £145,000 needed to buy the trove, nicknamed the “Winfarthin­g Woman”, whose craftsmans­hip is the “equal” of the Staffordsh­ire Hoard, according to Dr Tim Pestell, senior curator. “It’s an exceptiona­lly rich find and completely rewrites our understand­ing of Anglo Saxon history in East Anglia,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “It shows that the person buried in this grave was of the very highest status.”

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