The Daily Telegraph

Wrong kind of Yimby wants 2,000 more houses


SIR – It is true that Eastleigh borough council in Hampshire, led by Keith House, recently voted to pursue a Local Plan that involves building nearly 2,000 more houses than the Government requires (“Meet the ‘Yimbys’ arguing for more homes to be built in their area”, Business, January 3).

However, Mr House gives the wrong impression by saying that the decision was taken “to foster growth rather than manage decline” in line with emerging Yimby (“Yes In My Backyard”) thinking.

Yimby groups espouse housing infill close to transporta­tion. Mr House’s plan sits on the very edge of his borough in ancient Hampshire countrysid­e, miles from Eastleigh’s town centre and existing infrastruc­ture.

Indeed, Mr House’s plan isn’t even in his backyard. It’s in adjacent Winchester city council’s backyard. The reason Mr House wants the extra 2,000 houses is because they enable the developer to pay for a costly new road that is central to the scheme (though it has no proven wider benefits). Mr House has doggedly pursued this plan, repeatedly rejecting expert transport, planning and environmen­tal advice.

Even now the plan lacks critical evidence to support its deliverabi­lity, sustainabi­lity and affordabil­ity. Mr House and his fellow councillor­s have gambled that the Government’s planning inspector will be blind to these glaring gaps.

It’s not too late for Mr House and his fellow councillor­s to change their minds.

A more credible alternativ­e proposal, once supported by them, waits in the wings. The irony is that this proposal fits far more neatly with Yimby ideals. Mark Lloyd

CEO, The Angling Trust Stephen Joseph

Chief Executive, Campaign for Better Transport Dee Haas

Chairman, Campaign To Protect Rural England, Hampshire and 252 others; see

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