The Daily Telegraph

Cyber attacks could set off ‘vulnerable’ nuclear weapons


NUCLEAR weapons systems are at risk from cyber attacks that could sabotage controls or lead to unsanction­ed launches, a think-tank report warned.

The likelihood of attempted hacking attacks was “relatively high and increasing”, but had received “scant attention”, the report today said.

Published by Chatham House, it warned: “The potential impacts of a cyber attack on nuclear weapons systems are enormous.”

Nuclear weapons were developed when computers were in their infancy and little considerat­ion was given to cyber vulnerabil­ities, the authors warned, highlighti­ng “a number of ... pathways through which a malicious actor may infiltrate a nuclear weapons system without a state’s knowledge”.

It pointed to the widespread reliance on digital systems in the military and said that while threats could come from hostile states, there was also a risk from skilled criminal gangs or terrorists.

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