The Daily Telegraph

Schools flock to join Birdwatch


THE Big Schools’ Birdwatch, claimed to be the world’s biggest schools’ wildlife survey, is back with thousands of children expected to take part.

Pupils spend an hour watching and counting the birds that visit their outdoor space, before sending in the results to the RSPB.

Last year blackbirds held on to their number one spot as the most common playground visitor, with 87per cent of schools spotting one during their watch.

Robins, sparrows and wood pigeons featured prominentl­y in the results, as well as smaller birds such as blue tits, coal tits and wrens.

A recent survey of 200 teachers and 1,200 schoolchil­dren from around the UK revealed 96per cent of teachers believed it was important for children to experience nature at school. The survey provides an opportunit­y for pupils to discover more about nature. Samantha Herbert

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