The Daily Telegraph

Computer says GP


SIR – You report (January 22) that robots may handle calls to the NHS 111 helpline within two years.

I have the impression that robots are already handling 111 calls. I had flu and a bad cough. I did not want to see my doctor and spread my flu to others in the waiting room, so I rang 111 for advice on the best medicine. After answering numerous questions, I was advised to see my doctor. Anthony Appleby

Exeter, Devon

SIR – I’m a bit concerned about the plan for robots to handle 111 calls.

No doubt they will be carefully programmed but, I expect, only in standard English. Even local humans can struggle to decipher some regional variations. I have fond memories of someone once describing severe stomach problems as “like two mardy ferrets fighting in a sack”. Wilma Haley

Fishlake, South Yorkshire

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