The Daily Telegraph



1. Write down how you feel before drinking to help you understand what causes you to have more than you’d like.

2. Have a big glass of water before your first drink (so you aren’t trying to quench your thirst with gin!).

3. Have a protein snack – such as some nuts – in the early evening to help stem sugar cravings.

4. Build enjoyable alcohol-free moments

into your day, like coffee or a walk with a friend you normally meet for a drink.

5. Tell yourself that just because you have always done something doesn’t mean you always will.

6. Before an evening out visualise yourself at the end of the evening feeling sober, and rememberin­g all your conversati­ons.

7. Alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.

8. Steer clear of friends with whom you drink too much.

9. Go to a party, don’t drink and see what happens. You might actually be surprised to discover that you can still be witty!

10. Avoid “unconsciou­s” drinking: those glasses that slip down so easily while you are writing emails or chopping vegetables. Instead, chop the vegetables or write the emails first and then have a glass of wine – and savour it.

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