The Daily Telegraph

Midwives told saying ‘good girl’ is disrespect­ful

- By Laura Donnelly HEALTH EDITOR

MIDWIVES should not say “good girl” to women in labour because it is disrespect­ful, according to new advice.

Other words to avoid include describing a baby as big or referring to a woman in labour as “she” in the guide published in the BMJ.

In the advice, the authors admitted some might think such caution was “political correctnes­s gone mad” but said changes were needed to “instill a culture of respect” for mothers-to-be.

The advice drawn up by maternity experts, has been backed by the Royal College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynaecolog­ists.

Its authors said using the right language could reduce anxiety in women in labour, cutting the rates of complicati­ons.

Instead of using the term “good girl,” medics are asked to say, “you’re doing really well” to encourage a women during labour.

They are also asked to avoid the use of the phrase “big baby” in case it makes women anxious, and not to talk about “fetal distress”.

Instead larger infants should be described as “healthy”, while fetal distress should be described as “changes in the baby’s heart rate pattern,” they state.

The advice says midwives and obstetrici­ans should never address the pregnant woman as a “she” when they are discussing the situation at hand.

Instead, they should always refer to her by her first name, the guide says.

Prof Andrew Weeks, from the Internatio­nal Maternal Health Care at the University of Liverpool; Natalie Mobbs, a medical student at Liverpool; and Catherine Williams, a committee member of National Maternity Voices, drew up the new tips.

Writing in the BMJ, they said: “Language matters as a way of respecting women’s views and ensuring that they are empowered to make decisions.

“The use of insensitiv­e language can be indicative of an underlying malaise, which reveals underlying attitudes and prejudices.

“It is essential that we achieve respectful practice, ensuring that women have complete understand­ing and control of their own care.”

The authors said that recent efforts to improve communicat­ion in the NHS, with new guidelines, were welcome.

“Although eyes may roll at the thought of ‘political correctnes­s gone mad’ the change is well founded,” they said.

If a medical procedure doesn’t work, midwives should describe the attempt as “unsuccessf­ul”, rather than ‘”failed”. And it also says plain English should be used instead of medical jargon.

The guide also asks midwives to avoid discouragi­ng or insensitiv­e language, such as the phrase “terminate pregnancy”. Instead, women should be told it is a “compassion­ate induction”.

“Rupture the membranes” should be replaced with “release the waters”.

Edward Morris, vice president of RCOG, said the guide “highlights the importance of creating a culture of respect for women during pregnancy, labour and after birth.”

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