The Daily Telegraph

The ton-up drivers


Aremarkabl­e number of people over 100 still drive. At the moment, 265 have licences, and the total is rising rapidly all the time. Four drivers are 104. Why should we be surprised? After all, five million drivers are over 70, who in the past would have been thought as doddery as some Aged Parent from Dickens. The reality is that older drivers are safer drivers. Too often, tragedy comes from new drivers in their late teens. In any case, driving, especially in the country, means independen­t living, the ability to go shopping, visit the doctor and keep in touch with the family. This is what we wish for old people. Encouragin­gly, the AA fully backs old drivers. They are not Mr Pastry or Cleggy from Last of the Summer Wine, careering about in smoky bangers. We must find worse drivers to laugh at – there are plenty around.

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