The Daily Telegraph



Scientists propose a tax on chocolate to prevent us becoming creatures resembling elephant seals, scarcely capable of opening the door to the man from Ocado delivering new consignmen­ts of confection­ery. Such a tax might not be the last straw but it must be close. The process seems to be to find out what people like and then whop a tax on it. Because we need them, cars are taxed. Wine is hugely taxed and buying cigarettes is like being put in the pillory and heavily fined simultaneo­usly. Tax was taken off dogs only because it wasn’t worth collecting; instead we got the Dangerous Dogs Act. True, the British are world- champion chocolate chompers, getting through 18lb a year each. But the boffins should recall the old French salt tax: it didn’t reduce consumptio­n much but it did help cause the French Revolution.

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