The Daily Telegraph

Fit for office? Case for and against the letter’s claims



Golf: Mr Trump is a regular golfer, frequently making trips to his Mar-a-lago course as well as his other courses across the country. Clean living: Mr Trump is a teetotaler and does not smoke, as opposed to his predecesso­r President Obama, who was known to have the occasional cigarette.


Exercise: At his most recent health check Mr Trump was just a few pounds shy of being classed as obese. As the oldest incoming president in history, Mr Trump’s weight and reported aversion to regular exercise may leave him with added health risks. Diet: Mr Trump is known to enjoy fast food and has a diet heavy in red meat. Television: The president is reported to watch hours of cable news which if his reactionar­y tweets are anything to go by, gets his blood pressure raised. Sleep: Mr Trump’s prolific tweeting betrays another issue – his lack of sleep. He is thought to get just four or five hours of sleep a night.

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