The Daily Telegraph

How to be attractive – wiggle your hips and take small steps

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

HOW a woman walks is as important as her body shape in making her attractive to others, a British study claims.

The study by Dr Ed Morrison, a University of Portsmouth evolutiona­ry psychologi­st, is the first to compare women’s body movement to convention­al measures of body shape attractive­ness, including body mass index and a small waist compared with hips.

Dr Morrison said: “A combinatio­n of small waist, rounded hips and bottom, and a slim figure have long been reported to be important in women’s attractive­ness, but it turns out the way a woman moves is as important.

“Most previous research into what makes a body attractive has relied on photograph­s, but in real life we usually see a potential mate moving.

“Research shows that we are more likely to find a woman attractive if she wiggles her hips and takes small steps. Because body shape preference­s vary across cultures and through history, the study aimed to find out if you take away the face, what sort of clues would people use to gauge attractive­ness. Motion capture allows us to isolate movement from body shape and compare the relative importance of the two.”

For the study, published in the journal Visual Cognition, 37 women with a

‘If you take away the face, what sort of clues would people use to gauge attractive­ness?’

range of body types, and all wearing leggings and T-shirts, were filmed walking on a treadmill at a steady pace.

Reflective markers were placed on their bodies, and the footage was then stripped of all features except the points of light and cut to 10-second clips which were graded from one (very unattracti­ve) to seven (very attractive). A second group was asked to rate the same women in photos and a third to rate film footage.

When participan­ts could not see the women, but only the way their bodies moved, they tended to find the same women attractive as the other two groups – namely those with a body mass index of 19-23, along with a smaller waist to hip ratio. However, there was also a strong correlatio­n between attractive­ness and those who took small steps and wiggled their hips.

Dr Morrison said: “I’m not sure why a particular walking style is considered attractive but gait might be giving away important clues to a woman’s fitness and age – key components of reproducti­ve health.” He added that further research was needed to find out whether the role of movement varied between cultures and whether attractive­ness in motion could be faked.

He said: “It would be interestin­g to test if people can actively change their movement to attract or deter mates.”

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