The Daily Telegraph

You can’t separate the art from the artist

Former Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr talks to Neil Mccormick about his issues with earnest pop and Morrissey’s politics


‘There’s honestly never been a day when I wished I was back in The Smiths,” says Johnny Marr. “I’m proud of all the bands I’ve been in. But I feel good about what I’m doing right now.” The 54-year-old guitarist, songwriter and band leader has a simple goal in life.

“I want to make great guitar records,” he says. “It started as a young boy being knocked sideways by the wonder of pop music. The mission hasn’t changed much since then. Guitars and songs, that is everything.”

Marr makes a great rock star. He is small and skinny, tanned and dapper with a fantastic feather haircut dyed black with streaks of gold. “One of the perks of being in a band is having a great haircut. God bless Duran Duran, God bless David Bowie, God bless Siouxsie Sioux, these people know the score.” He likes clothes, too. “A good jacket is vital. And you can never have too many shoes,” he grins.

Marr is chatty, easygoing and exudes positive energy. He is married to his childhood sweetheart, Angie, and they have two adult children. He is teetotal, vegan and a keen long distance runner, yet somehow manages to even make healthines­s sound rock and roll. “It’s all about the work. Early Doors, early Velvet Undergroun­d, there was plenty of debauchery intrinsica­lly tied up with producing really great records. And then, before you know it, there’s debauchery and it’s turned to s--- and I can’t listen to that music. Put it this way, if staying up for days and doing loads of drugs made me make great songs, I’d be doing it right now.”

Since the break-up of his seminal band The Smiths in 1987, Marr has been one of the busiest sidemen in rock. He’s been a member of The Pretenders, The The, The Cribs and Modest Mouse, written and collaborat­ed with the Pet Shop Boys, Bryan Ferry, Jane Birkin, Talking Heads, Beck, Blondie and Noel Gallagher and formed duo Electronic with New Order’s Bernard Sumner. In 2013, he rather belatedly decided to focus on his solo career. Taking up vocal and lyric-writing duties, he has released three albums in five years.

Marr’s voice is thin but distinctiv­e, dovetailin­g sinuously with his vivid guitar parts. “I’ve always sung, because I spend a lot of my time with an acoustic guitar at home, working out tunes. I’m pragmatic about my voice. I know what it takes to get the job done.”

What has surprised him is how much he enjoys the role. “More and more now, things happen where I find myself looking forward to getting on stage to express a discomfort or joy, some kind of tension or emotion that I am able to release by singing. And that is kind of thrilling.”

His new album, out today, is Call

the Comet. From start to finish, it buzzes with fantastic guitar parts, a melodic amalgam of riffs, licks, hooks, rhythm effects and lead solos. “I feel like if there is something that can be done on a keyboard or as a string arrangemen­t, I should find a way to do it on the guitar. Because I can.”

With his fascinatio­n for melody and concise song structure, Marr has always referred to his oeuvre as pop. But recently, and slightly reluctantl­y, he has started to call it “rock” because “you don’t hear guitar in pop any more unless it’s obscured by digital virtual ridiculous­ness”. He is not convinced the age of the guitar is over, however. “It is still the best instrument to hold on stage,” he says.

Marr is flourishin­g as a lyric writer, his style very different from the work he did in his songwritin­g partnershi­p with Morrissey. “I want to express myself but it doesn’t have to be about something personal. I grew up admiring David Bowie, Lou Reed, Patti Smith. We seem to have gone down some rabbit hole of earnestnes­s and faux sincerity. A great song doesn’t have to be someone sitting on the porch or by a campfire offering emotional exposition with everybody crying into their cider. There are quite enough people singing from the heart. What’s wrong with singing from the brain?”

When he set about forming The Smiths in Manchester aged 18 in 1982, he wanted a guitar band that created pop songs that really mattered. “Everything it became, really.” He famously tracked down Stephen Morrissey, a shy, eccentric local fanzine writer, and persuaded him to join forces. “He had his own direction and talent and unique style that I really enjoyed.” The group made four classic albums of socially and politicall­y bold indie rock, scoring 18 top 30 UK singles, and garnering a following that remains loyal to this day. But it ended with Marr feeling bullied and pressurise­d by his fellow band members and walking out in 1987. He was 23.

“I have different emotions about all of it [now]. There was a time when I was very bitter about the position I was put in. There is sadness that four young guys had a falling out. However, all of that is completely secondary to the fact that I made some fantastic music that people still

love. As simplistic as that sounds, that trumps everything.”

Marr still plays Smiths songs in his sets. “How Soon Is Now is so much about my guitar. There Is a Light That

Never Goes Out is great fun. Last Night

I Dreamt Somebody Loved Me has always been my favourite ever Smiths song. Some I wouldn’t want to sing because I don’t relate to the lyrics any more, so that would feel clunky. But there’s plenty to choose from.”

Once considered a sensitive champion of marginalis­ed outsiders, Morrissey has risked alienating fans with provocativ­e political comments on everything from Islam and immigratio­n to Harvey Weinstein. Last week, he expressed sympathy for Tommy Robinson, the jailed far-right activist and English Defence League founder. Social media has been filled with the wailing of disillusio­ned fans agonising over whether it is time to renounce their old hero.

Marr is very careful when it comes to discussing his former bandmate. “Of course I completely disagree with those views. Anyone who knows me can guess how I feel about it, but on some level, I really don’t give a f---. Does it mean anything in my actual day-to-day life? No. Not at all.”

He seems to understand why Morrissey fans might feel so conflicted about their old hero’s music. When I ask if you can separate the art from the artist, he says no. “Why would you? I’m not talking specifical­ly about Morrissey but if I think about Sylvia Plath, or Nietzsche, or Picasso, or Aldous Huxley or Goethe or Martin Scorsese, Lucian Freud and David Bailey, I never make a distinctio­n between their art and the person. It’s all completely the same thing. It’s what I have always thought about myself: you are what you play.”

Yet Marr pronounces himself unconcerne­d that The Smiths legacy could ever be tarnished. “Maybe I am the only person on the planet who doesn’t feel that that music is under threat from anything. Because I wrote it and produced it. It came from me, and it can’t be taken away from me.” Johnny Marr’s album Call the Comet (New Voodoo) is out today

 ??  ?? Johnny be good: Marr photograph­ed in London this week, above. With Morrissey in 1985, above right; and performing on stage in 2013, left
Johnny be good: Marr photograph­ed in London this week, above. With Morrissey in 1985, above right; and performing on stage in 2013, left
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