The Daily Telegraph

Can you pass the SW19 ball boys and girls quiz?


Have a go at these questions from the exam set for ball boys and girls at Wimbledon – the answers are below. 1. Provided there had been no tie-breaks, there would be a ball change after how many games?

A: 18 B: 26 C: 34 D: 46

2. In a game, if the server has won two points and the receiver has won three, how would the umpire call the score?

A: 40-30 B: 3-2 C: 2-3 D: 30-40

3. In which of these scores would the balls change ends?

A: 6-4, 1-0 B: 5-2 C: 6-7, 3-2 D: 7-5, 2-0

4. In a tie-break, whose score is called first?

A: The server’s B: The receiver’s C: Person winning

D: Winner of the first point 5. If a player has no points in the tie-break, what is their score?

A: Zero B: Love C: Deuce D: Nought

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