The Daily Telegraph

Action against plastic


SIR – Local authoritie­s may well be running out of money to deal with our recycling (report, October 20), but with a more joined-up approach we would surely need to recycle far less, particular­ly if businesses had the right incentives to reduce their impact on the environmen­t.

Every action taken by businesses and politician­s needs a proper climate-change impact assessment. This would make it much easier for us to do the right things without too much effort or additional cost. Marcus Adams

Truro, Cornwall

SIR – It shouldn’t take a television documentar­y or a photo of waste mountains to alert us to the problem of plastic in our environmen­t.

The mountain of waste will only disappear if we stop creating it in the first place. Consumers have an urgent collective responsibi­lity to choose non-plastic alternativ­es. These are not so widely (or cheaply) available at present. But manufactur­ers simply supply what consumers want – so if, for example, we only buy milk in reusable glass or edible seaweed containers, plastic use will be consigned to the bin. Stella Currie

Bramhall, Cheshire

SIR – The time is coming when waste will have to be incinerate­d. I am sure we are technologi­cally advanced enough to do it sensibly. Other countries do – so why can’t we? Anne Senneck

Hartley, Kent

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