The Daily Telegraph

Foreign doctors face checks after ‘psychiatri­st’ exposed


BACKGROUND checks are to be carried out on 3,000 foreign doctors after a woman with no medical qualificat­ions was allowed to work as an NHS psychiatri­st for 22 years, it has emerged.

Zholia Alemi, 56, claimed to have a degree from the University of Auckland in New Zealand when she came to work in the UK in 1992. But in fact she failed to pass her first year and subsequent­ly dropped out of the degree without gaining her qualificat­ions, it was reported in The Daily Mail.

Despite lacking a medical background, she was allowed to practise in the UK after the General Medical Council (GMC) failed to check whether her documents were genuine.

The GMC has since admitted that its checks were inadequate and has confirmed an “urgent investigat­ion” will now take place into the background­s of 3,000 doctors who came to work to work in the UK from Commonweal­th countries before 2003.

At the time when Alemi came to the UK, doctors from a handful of Commonweal­th countries could be cleared to start work after showing their qualificat­ions, but were not assessed.

Alemi was found to have forged her documentat­ion after she tried to fake the will of an elderly woman, which saw her jailed for five years last month.

Alemi was investigat­ed and given a warning by the Medical Practition­ers Tribunal Service in 2012 after failing to disclose a conviction of careless driving. She also sectioned psychiatri­c patients for treatment without the authority to do so.

Joyce Robine, of Patient Concern, said: “How many patients will she have come into contact with? Patients will be horrified that the proper checks weren’t in place.”

Last night, Charlie Massey, the GMC chief executive, said the case was “extremely concerning”, adding that the doctors who faced checks represente­d 1 per cent of the 300,000 foreign medics on the register and that the vetting process was more stringent today.

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