The Daily Telegraph

Conservati­ve MPS who don’t know what it’s like to hold a marginal seat could bring about an electoral disaster

The Brexit Party and Ukip are already eating away at Tory support – a customs union could destroy us

- By Michael Fabricant Michael Fabricant is MP for Lichfield

Having sunk to humiliatin­g herself and our nation by begging for more time in Brussels, the Prime Minister should not expect to be buoyed by her party’s support.

Ninety six other Conservati­ve MPS and I voted against an extension of Brexit beyond Friday. A further 80, including Cabinet ministers, abstained. The order was passed only with the help of 223 Labour MPS, who were whipped to support the Government.

How has No10 become so out of touch with its own MPS and supporters? It goes back at least seven years. In November 2012, when I helped run Conservati­ve campaignin­g, I published a document for David Cameron when he was prime minister. It demonstrat­ed clearly the urgent need to address the Ukip issue.

At the time, Ukip’s polling was running at eight per cent. Taking into account regional variations, I showed that around 30 marginal seats would be lost to Labour and the Liberal Democrats if this continued.

It would mean us losing the 2015 general election.

Cameron was decisive. By announcing that we would hold an In-out referendum on our EU membership, he won an overall majority. Just 12, but enough to form a government.

In February this year, Ukip and the Brexit parties were polling around four per cent. On April a Yougov poll had Ukip and the Brexit Party at a combined 12 per cent.

This was predictabl­e when the Prime Minister decided to pursue her lame duck Withdrawal Agreement in the face of opposition from her DUP partners and both Leavers and Remainers alike on the Conservati­ve benches. Leaks now suggest that a Labour-conservati­ve compromise will involve the UK remaining in the customs union, albeit weakly disguised under some other name concocted by Robbie Gibb, No 10’s Director of Communicat­ions.

If true, this will boost Ukip and their allies still further. It will shave more votes off Tory seats, losing scores of our marginally held constituen­cies.

The main beneficiar­y will, however, not be the Brexit parties: it will be Labour and Jeremy Corbyn, who will be able to form a quasi-marxist government.

So why can’t No10 see this?

1997 was the nadir of Conservati­ve support in the country. I remember it well. I was defending a notional majority of around 4,500 following a boundary change and I had inherited a traditiona­l Labour-supporting area that didn’t yet know me as their MP.

I won with a majority of 238 votes after a recount. I know what it’s like to be marginal.

The Conservati­ves lost 171 seats, leaving a rump of just 165 Tory MPS. Twenty brand-new MPS were newly elected in 1997 and they decided to form the Everest Dining Club to celebrate the mountain they had climbed.

They are a broad mix of MPS with different views on Brexit. But they all share one thing in common: they believe that no matter how bad the political landscape can become, it can’t be any worse than 1997 and the Conservati­ve to Labour swing of 11 per cent.

Remember that figure. They believe they will all be re-elected regardless.

The Everest members include Theresa May and Philip Hammond, as well as Dominic Grieve. Mrs May won in 1997 with a majority of 11,981 over the Liberal Democrats and the Chancellor won by 9,875 over Labour. Their present majorities have since soared and the Prime Minister enjoys a majority of over 26,000. There is nothing wrong with that.

My own paltry majority of 238 in Lichfield has now risen to 18,581, representi­ng 64 per cent of the total vote.

It would now take a 17 per cent swing from the Conservati­ves to

‘The main beneficiar­y will not be the Brexit parties, it will be Labour and Jeremy Corbyn, who will be able to form the next quasimarxi­st government’

Labour to unseat me. The difference is: I remember what it was like to have a marginal seat. Most of the Everest Dining Club members do not.

Just a two per cent swing from the Conservati­ves to Labour aided by Ukip and the Brexit Party again shaving off Conservati­ve votes, or disgruntle­d Conservati­ve voters staying at home, would lose around 30 marginal Conservati­ve seats.

One of the first to go would be Amber Rudd’s Leave-voting seat of Hastings and Rye. That only needs a 0.3 per cent swing.

Meanwhile, a five per cent swing would result in around 65 Conservati­ve MPS losing out.

With a 10 per cent swing, the Party would be decimated.

With Theresa May having begged the EU for more time, and European elections in the UK looming, will she realise that the electorate have long memories?

Brexit must mean Brexit. A customs union or worse will result in another 1997 catastroph­e for the Conservati­ve Party and our nation.

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