The Daily Telegraph

Licence to kill

- Martin Bennett

SIR – I note that in a cosy exchange of letters, the chairman of Natural England asked to pass on the mess of general licensing for control of birds to the Department for the Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs (report, May 8).

Does anyone really imagine that, in passing the responsibi­lity over from one set of quasi-civil servants to another set of civil servants, anything will be achieved quickly or satisfacto­rily?

Oswestry, Shropshire

SIR – The debate about Natural England’s decision to revoke general licences to control wild birds has been both vitriolic and confusing.

Dominated by extremes, it has left out the “missing middle” of conservati­onists, farmers and land managers such as ourselves, who make up the majority of licence users.

With Michael Gove, the Environmen­t Secretary, agreeing with Natural England that he should now assume responsibi­lity for general licences, alongside announcing a rapid review of the evidence, it is crucial that the mainstream, moderate voice is heard within this debate.

There are necessary and legitimate reasons to control some wild birds, for crop protection, public health or conservati­on reasons, but it is also the case that these licences have been used too freely in the past by some.

It is now crucial that the current review takes an approach based on the best science, knowledge and evidence, and leads to a new system that is transparen­t, accountabl­e and robust. Only then will we be able to command the trust of the public and avoid the ill-feeling that this issue has generated. Charles Burrell

Mary Colwell

Lord Leicester

Jake Fiennes and 12 others: see

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