The Daily Telegraph

What’s next for signatorie­s of the agreement


Q What is Iran doing?

A Iran announced that it will no longer comply with two relatively minor restrictio­ns in the nuclear deal. But it said that in 60 days it will take a more drastic step by enriching high-grade uranium that could be used in a bomb – unless it is protected from US sanctions.

Q Does this mean the nuclear deal is dead?

A Not yet. Iran is still technicall­y complying with the accord. The other signatorie­s to the agreement – the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China – say they still want the deal to work. Only the US has fully withdrawn and called for it to be scrapped.

Q What comes next?

A The Europeans are trying to find a way to help Iran’s economy without falling foul of US sanctions. It seems unlikely that they will succeed. If Iran follows through on its threats to resume production of high-grade uranium then the deal may fall apart entirely.

Q Does that mean war?

A It means a return to the situation before the nuclear deal, when Iran appeared to be edging closer to building a nuclear weapon, and Israel and the US both threatened military action if it didn’t stop. Israel and the US could also resume cyber attacks against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Q What is happening outside the deal?

A Even without the disagreeme­nts on nuclear issues, tensions between the US and Iran are at the highest in years. The White House says it has evidence Iran and its proxies are planning attacks against US forces in the Middle East and has sent an aircraft carrier and a bomber fleet to the region.

Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the strategic waterway through which much of the world’s oil flows.

Q What does the US want?

A The US says it is not seeking war with Iran nor regime change in the republic. It says it is trying to force Iran back to the negotiatin­g table, where the US would push for a much more stringent agreement covering nuclear issues and Iran’s behaviour in the Middle East.

Critics say the US is trying to cause the Iranian government to collapse or even trying to provoke Iran into a war.

Q What does Iran want?

A Iran says it is only looking for the economic benefits that it was promised by the Barack Obama administra­tion during the nuclear negotiatio­ns. That includes being allowed to sell oil and accept foreign investment. The Donald Trump administra­tion believes that deal would eventually allow Iran to work towards a nuclear weapon and use additional revenues to fund terror groups.

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