The Daily Telegraph

Don’t write us off: there is a reason Brussels fears an ultra-competitiv­e Britain

Remainers like to think of the UK as a non-entity, but it is Europe that is the over-regulated backwater

- Madeline Grant

In recent years, Brexit’s most implacable opponents have revelled in rubbishing Britain’s hopes of succeeding on the world stage. Britain is a diminished country, they insist, incapable of functionin­g on its own. Consider Emma Thompson’s descriptio­n of the UK as “a cake-filled, misery-laden grey old island”, or Michael Heseltine’s glorious Freudian slip when challenged about our economy outperform­ing EU rivals: the UK “is doing significan­tly better than you might hope”.

Yet at the weekend came a dose of (unintended) optimism, from an equally unexpected quarter: Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor warned of the threat an independen­t UK posed to the EU. “With the departure of Great Britain, a potential competitor will of course emerge for us. In addition to China and the United States of America, there will be Great Britain as well.”

Merkel’s remarks confound the hardline Remainer delusion of postbrexit Britain as a strategic non-entity. They confirm, too, that European leaders are indeed afraid of a dynamic, competitiv­e, deregulate­d Britain (a “Singapore on Thames”) emerging on their doorstep.

This is not the first time that EU leaders and officials have spoken in these terms: the difference is that now such fears could become reality. The Government has decided to abandon several key tenets of Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement insofar as they apply to Great Britain; a Ukwide customs union, pledges of regulatory alignment and “level playing field provisions” – agreed rules on environmen­tal standards, labour regulation­s and state aid. These would have forced the British mainland to accede to scores of EU rules, determined by Brussels (often in the interests of those most capable of lobbying Brussels, not consumers).

Merkel went on to add that “Europe must show what the European Union can achieve: That means we must work faster, work more consistent­ly, and the new [European] Commission... should also become operationa­l as quickly as possible.” It may be tempting for some commentato­rs to read this as a declaratio­n of (healthy) competitio­n with Britain. But this would be to ignore the EU’S history.

Europhiles often portray the EU as a “free market” which we are foolishly abandoning. In fact, it is a highly regulated, protection­ist bloc, which harms nations’ comparativ­e advantages internally through “harmonisat­ion”, and, rather than compete on the global market, prefers to stifle competitio­n through the common external tariff. The EU’S attempts to bring Switzerlan­d to heel by denying access to the single market show that it is not afraid of bullying where necessary.

Instead of working to improve its own competitiv­eness, since the referendum the EU has sought to nullify Britain as a competitor – and, with the passing of May’s deal, would have succeeded. Merkel’s comments should remind us of the perils of remaining too closely aligned after Brexit.

After all, the EU has long been reluctant to embrace economic dynamism, while others have adopted innovative approaches towards science, agricultur­e, medical research, AI and much else. The precaution­ary principle, EU regulators’ favoured risk management strategy, places the onus on the creators of new technologi­es to prove their invention is safe where some risk may exist – even if there’s no scientific consensus to suggest any real harm will occur. The result? It’s often too much bother to innovate.

This dirigiste trend seems deeply entrenched; in the last year alone, Emmanuel Macron has promised enhanced protection­s for French farmers, while Germany has launched a new industrial strategy to defend “national champions” against threats from China and the US.

Singapore, with its statist and authoritar­ian social policies, may not be a perfect model of governance, but it can teach Brexit Britain much about building a flourishin­g economy. The PM’S promise of new regimes for fisheries, agricultur­e and trade in the Queen’s Speech, to “[seize] the opportunit­ies” of leaving the EU, puts the Government on the right side of the ideologica­l divide, at least for now. Meanwhile, Merkel’s interventi­on is a reminder of the high stakes that make our departure all the more urgent.

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