The Daily Telegraph

Britain’s long goodbye will leave an unfillable hole in the EU project

In economic terms, our exit is like 19 countries going at once. It’s no surprise that Europe feels resentful

- read more at opinion philip johnston

Monday January 1, 1973, the day we joined the Common Market, was cold and foggy. Ironically, planes could not fly to the Continent because airports were closed by the weather. But the spirits of the nation were lifted by our entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) after 15 years knocking on the door.

We had been frustrated by French, or rather President Charles de Gaulle’s, objections to our membership, and the political fight over whether we should join had convulsed Westminste­r. But at last we were in, and the headline in this newspaper captured the optimism: “Britain welcomed into Europe.” Tellingly, in view of subsequent claims that we were sold a pig in a poke by Edward Heath, who never revealed our entry’s real, political purpose, a smaller headline read: “Step to political union.”

Indeed, this was emphasised by the main story. “Britain’s entry into the Common Market at midnight last night was welcomed in Market capitals as the first step to a political union embracing the greater part of western Europe.” So that ambition, enshrined in the Treaty of Rome, was never a secret, though it was not exactly bellowed from the rooftops and certainly did not feature much in the 1975 referendum on whether or not we should stay in. I was among the 17.3 million who voted Yes to that question, a figure surpassed only by the 17.4 million who voted Leave in 2016.

At the time, the country was in a mess and membership of the EEC was viewed as a route to the sort of prosperity that could be seen in West Germany, a country in ruins less than 30 years earlier that had risen from the ashes to become Europe’s economic powerhouse. Our malaise was attributed to our not being in the EEC, though it arguably had more to do with the way our industry was structured and the power of the trade unions. But the real reason we wanted to join was in response to the somewhat derisive post-war observatio­n of Dean Acheson, the US secretary of state, that the UK had lost an empire but had not found a role.

Even if the debate continues to be reduced to an argument about trade, it has always really been about foreign policy and sovereignt­y. We easily forget that the decision to join caused as much controvers­y as leaving has brought about today. The position of the Left is often caricature­d as one of hostility to the EEC as a “capitalist club” which would prevent the establishm­ent of a socialist Utopia in Britain. But leading Labour figures such as Tony Benn were just as concerned about sovereignt­y as any modern Brexiteer.

One of the great speeches against entry was made by the Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell in 1961, when an applicatio­n to join was made by the Conservati­ve government. “We must be clear about this,” he said. “It does mean… the end of Britain as an independen­t European state. It means the end of a thousand years of history.”

The hostility continued for the next 12 years, with monumental battles in the Commons over the accession legislatio­n. When Heath arrived at the Egmont Palace in Brussels to sign the treaty, he was spattered with ink thrown by an objector. But it did not mar his great triumph. A prime minister assailed on the domestic front had a foreign policy success like no other. In our front page story on New Year’s Day 1973, Heath called it a “historic moment in every sense of the word” which would “influence all our lives in an enormous variety of ways”.

Historians will wonder what happened in the past 47 years to turn everything on its head, how the party that took us into Europe is now presiding over our departure.

Partly it is because when we talked in 1973 about “political union”, we did not really mean it. Heath might have done, but most of us were not paying attention. Moreover, there were only nine countries in the EEC at the time and most of Eastern Europe was still in the Soviet bloc. Political union was principall­y seen as a common Cold War stand against Moscow, not a harbinger of a federal Europe of 28 members.

The fall of the Berlin Wall changed everything. First, there was a move to expand the EEC to Russia’s doorstep. Then, the institutio­n was transforme­d, by the Maastricht Treaty, into a prototype federal state with its own single currency, no borders and a new citizenshi­p to run alongside national citizenshi­ps with the intention of eventually supplantin­g them.

True, we did not adopt the single currency or join the borderless Schengen area. By opting out of these developmen­ts, pro-europeans argued that those lamenting a loss of independen­ce should be appeased.

But all that did was to reinforce a sense of national exceptiona­lism that has been the hallmark of our membership. While the political debate on the Continent was – and still is – over how to expand and deepen the union, in Britain it became increasing­ly about how we could stop that happening and, when it was apparent we couldn’t, whether we wanted to be in it at all.

We have always exhibited a lukewarm, half-hearted commitment that not only irritates our erstwhile EU partners but perplexes them, too. It is why they are so hurt by our departure and find it hard to comprehend. Like a partner in a marriage whose spouse has walked out for no obvious reason, they are in a state of bewilderme­nt that will turn to resentment when they see the consequenc­es of the UK’S absence.

We are witnessing that reaction now. There are mutterings about selling fishing rights for access to the EU financial markets and for the European Court to retain residual powers in the UK. Meanwhile, Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s prime minister, laughably dismisses the UK as “a small country”. Yet in terms of the combined GDP of the EU, the UK is the equivalent of 19 countries leaving at the same time. Within 30 years, moreover, we will have Europe’s biggest population, overtaking Germany.

The UK’S departure leaves a gaping hole in the political project, as well as the EU budget, and we should not be surprised if there is a backlash from our spurned allies in the coming months. Just as when we joined 47 years ago, Friday’s farewell is as big a moment for them as it is for us.

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