The Daily Telegraph

Will Gore takes a glass-is-halffull view of lone drinking…


When I was a baby and screaming the house down, my great aunt would dip my dummy in whisky, pop it in my mouth and rock me until the booze quietened me down. It’s not a childcare tip put forward on the NHS website, but she was Irish and did what came naturally. I credit her with my taste for the good stuff.

The survey suggesting there are many people out there struggling with loneliness, and drinking alone as a result, makes for grim reading. If you are feeling isolated, then turning to the bottle to alleviate that pain is clearly not a good idea. I’m lucky to say that this is not my experience of drinking alone. I’m a regular solitary slurper and for me it’s a source of comfort and quiet joy. Done right, drinking is wonderful, and drinking solo is the best way of all.

I’d like to think I’m not a miserable hermit; unfortunat­ely there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. People do come over to ours for dinner and drinks fairly regularly, and that’s great – but so is kicking back on the sofa with a good drop of something and no obligation­s to make small talk. As someone who has always been lazy, happy in my own company and in favour of a quiet life, drinking alone is the perfect option.

Also, as the father of two boys under the age of five, as far as I’m concerned, drinking is not optional. After a day spent having to repeat myself seven times in order to be heard, and thinking up answers to questions such as ‘How was the first ever dog born?’, a drink after the kids’ bedtime helps ease me into a relaxing evening. My wife takes a different approach. Even though, in a social situation, she’ll drink with the vigour of a Boat Race winner, at home she’ll take it or leave it, and usually, she leaves it. I, on the other hand, am the sensible one at weddings and parties, but could never give up my lone home drinking.

If a trip to the pub is on the cards, then going with friends is… fine. Sorry lads, but the finest way to while away time in a decent boozer is to grab a pint and a comfy seat, with only a good book for company. So, if you see me over in the corner, do me a favour and steer well clear.

I’m a regular solitary slurper and for me it’s a source of comfort and joy

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