The Daily Telegraph

Timely advice Travel recommenda­tions, and how to reduce your risk of infection


Q What should I do if I have already booked a holiday to a coronaviru­s hotspot? A

If your holiday is booked with a trustworth­y Abta-affiliated company and the Foreign Office subsequent­ly advises against travel to your destinatio­n, the firm should contact you to discuss options. You may be offered an alternativ­e trip, and are likely to be entitled to a full refund. Other payouts will depend on your travel insurance . Q Should I risk booking a foreign holiday at all? A Travel companies advise keeping a close eye on the Foreign Office website, where guidance is updated daily. Book with companies that offer a degree of protection against cancellati­on. If FCO guidance is ignored, insurers will often refuse to pay out.


What do I do if I have returned from an area affected by coronaviru­s?


If you have returned since Feb 19 from anywhere in Iran, locked down regions in northern Italy, parts of South Korea, or Hubei province in China, you should call NHS 111, stay indoors and avoid contact with people even if you do not have symptoms. If you have returned since Feb 19 from northern Italy (not the locked down regions), Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, or

Myanmar and have symptoms, you should stay at home, avoid contact and call NHS 111.

If you have a cough, or fever or shortness of breath and have visited China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau or Malaysia in the past 14 days, stay indoors and call NHS 111.


What is the official advice for schools, children and parents?


Schools have been advised to stay open. Students thought to have come into contact with a confirmed case will be asked to self-isolate at home, or “within their boarding school dormitory room”, for 14 days. Face masks are not recommende­d as there is “no evidence of benefit” from their use. To prevent the spread of the virus, pupils, students, staff and visitors are advised to wash their hands regularly.


Is there a risk of catching coronaviru­s at work?


Guidance has been issued in the event of a suspected carrier falling ill at work. “Try to find somewhere safe for the unwell person to sit which is at least two metres away from other people,” PHE says. “If possible find a room or find a room or area where they can be isolated behind a shut door. If it is possible to open a window, do so for ventilatio­n.”

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