The Daily Telegraph

British publicist says his part in Trump-russia plot was ‘puffery’

- By Ben Riley-smith Us editor

A BRITON who set up the infamous Trump Tower meeting has denied being part of a Russian conspiracy, calling his offer of Hillary Clinton dirt before the 2016 election “a bit of pure puffery”.

Rob Goldstone, a former Fleet Street journalist-turned-pr guru, said his controvers­ial approach to the Trump campaign touting informatio­n that would “incriminat­e” his rival was overhyped.

He said he only made the approach on behalf of a client, an Azerbaijan­i pop star, and exaggerate­d an email to Donald Trump’s son, Don Jr, which made worldwide headlines when discovered.

He also argued he would never have made such a detailed email pitch if involved in a plot, saying: “If you had any inkling it could turn out to be against the law, why would you write all this?”

Mr Goldstone’s remarks came in an interview for the latest episode of The Daily Telegraph’s Crossfire podcast, which explores the UK angles to the Trump-russia scandal. The episode, available online today, focuses on the Briton at the heart of one of the most controvers­ial aspects of the Russia investigat­ion, the Trump Tower meeting.

It took place on June 3 2016, five months before the US election, at the Republican presidenti­al nominee’s office in New York. It saw Donald Jr, Jared Kushner and campaign manager Paul Manafort meet Mr Goldstone and a group of Russian-linked figures.

Mr Goldstone had requested a meeting a few days earlier by emailing Mr Trump’s son with a message offering “dirt” on Ms Clinton from the Russians.

Donald Jr’s response included the words: “If it’s what you say, I love it.”

The 137-word email, once it was leaked to the press after Mr Trump’s election as president, came to be seen by critics as evidence that the Trump campaign had been willing to accept Russia’s help in tilting the election in their candidate’s favour.

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