The Daily Telegraph


- Dr Phil Hammond is a specialist in paediatric chronic fatigue and author of Staying Alive – How to Improve Your Health and Your Healthcare

With any viral infection, some people recover quickly, while others develop fatigue over the next three months and beyond. What can you do to manage that fatigue?

A virus can leave an imprint behind, tricking our body into thinking it’s still under threat. The immune system then mounts a response that causes symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, muscular and joint pains, brain fog as well as severe fatigue. To reassure the body that all is well, it likes routine. Every cell has its body clock and, like a toddler, it manages best if you keep a daily pattern.

Sleep is crucial for recovery. Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day, aiming for eight hours of sleep for adults. Don’t waste energy on anxiety if it doesn’t always work. Come off caffeine after noon, and avoid alcohol and sleeping tablets.

Sleep apps like Sleepio can help, as can your own playlist or a story. Anxiety is worse when the brain is empty, so fill it with something calm and comforting.

When you wake, try to open the curtains. Blue light triggers the release of cortisol, which wakes you up. If you can, get up, dressed and come downstairs for breakfast.

Try to eat food that is both nutritious and delicious. The healthy bacteria in your gut (the microbiome) like variety. Eat mainly plants, of different types and colours, but remember a little bit of what you fancy does you good, too. Your gut likes protein, wholegrain­s, seasonal fruit and veg. It’s OK to graze, but eat within a 12-hour window so your gut has 12 hours off. Take vitamin D and drink enough water.

Aim to have five portions of fun a day. Go outside in the morning to spike your wake-me-up cortisol. Spend 15 minutes being totally still, filling up your senses. Care for something every day – a plant, a pet, a neighbour in need. Humans are social animals, so stay connected. And remember – laughter is the best medicine.

Pace yourself as if you were doing the high jump. Set the bar at a level you can get over without crashing into a boom and bust cycle. Build in plenty of rest and recovery time. Your battery is like a dodgy mobile phone that needs recharging every 30-40 minutes.

After two weeks, increase your activities, little by little. If you’re not ready, stay on your plateau until you can. Take one day at a time. You may emerge from the tunnel healthier and happier than when you went in.

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