The Daily Telegraph



Every day in this column, The Daily Telegraph seeks out and reports snippets of comfort as the world fights coronaviru­s

♦ A story book has been released to help children aged six to 11 understand Covid-19. It explains how they can protect themselves and how to manage difficult emotions.

♦ A two-monthold baby, Italy’s youngest coronaviru­s patient, has left hospital after recovering from the disease.

♦ The Wildlife Trust, RSPB and Wilderness Foundation are launching a campaign to connect people with nature and boost their mental health in lockdown. The charities have put together more than 100 activities for people to do at home.

♦ Ballet dancers in Russia have been performing their routines in kitchens and living rooms and posting them online for fans.

♦ Spain’s death toll slowed yesterday, with the prime minister saying the worst should soon be over. “This war against the virus will be a total victory … the fire starts to come under control,” said Pedro Sanchez.

♦ The Pig at Bridge Place, a hotel in Canterbury, Kent, is delivering its fruit and vegetables to the doorsteps of NHS workers and high-risk groups.

♦ Countries across Europe are slowly starting to ease restrictio­ns on movement. Italy is hoping to gradually relax measures by the end of the month. Small shops will open in Austria and the Czech Republic next week.

♦ Wild flowers in the UK are blooming as councils have stopped mowing and trimming parks and paths, according to a plant charity.

♦ Pippa Erskine, 30, from Battersea, London, will cycle 100km in her home on Sunday to mark the third anniversar­y of her double lung transplant and raise money for the hospitals that saved her life.

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