The Daily Telegraph

‘Silent carriers’ face quarantine detention as tests are stepped up

- By Wendy Tang in Hong Kong

CHINA has tightened controls on asymptomat­ic Covid-19 patients to curb further infections.

The country’s State Council has now ordered medical institutio­ns to report asymptomat­ic patients within two hours once identified.

Asymptomat­ic patients are people who show none of the classic coronaviru­s symptoms such as a fever and cough, but who are found to be carrying the virus in their respirator­y system. These “silent carriers” are capable of transmitti­ng the virus to others.

The Chinese authoritie­s are ordering such patients to be placed under a 14day centralise­d quarantine for medical observatio­n.

Once they have served the two-week quarantine and have tested negative twice in a row with testing once every 24 hours, they are relieved from the centralise­d quarantine.

If an asymptomat­ic patient is still testing positive for Covid-19 after two weeks in quarantine, the person needs to carry on with their confinemen­t, the new rules stipulate.

Those who are dismissed from centralise­d quarantine still need to be under medical observatio­n for another fortnight. Though it is not required, the person is advised to follow up with a designated hospital after two weeks and again after four weeks on their health status.

China has also widened the scope of contact chasing by offering more Covid-19 tests to a number of groups.

They include close contacts of infected patients, those in centralise­d


The number of infected patients showing no symptoms who were under observatio­n in China yesterday

quarantine, people who were unknowingl­y exposed to the infected patients, arrivals who recently travelled to countries with high rates of infection and medical personnel.

China’s National Health Commission first suggested asymptomat­ic patients could be a source of transmissi­on on Feb 5.

As epidemiolo­gists gather more scientific data, they have found asymptomat­ic patients and patients with symptoms carry a similar level of Covid-19 viral load. Thus, asymptomat­ic patients are at risk of spreading the virus.

The National Health Commission began to include asymptomat­ic patients in the daily tally of Covid-19 cases on March 31. Yesterday, the commission reported that 1,104 asymptomat­ic patients were under medical observatio­n.

Singapore released a study on April 1 that found at least 10 people in the city state had contracted the novel coronaviru­s from those without symptoms.

The study examined 157 cases in Singapore between Jan 23 and March 16 and found 10 attributed to pre-symptomati­c transmissi­on.

One involved a 52-year-old woman who sat in a church seat that had been occupied by a pair of infected patients earlier in the day. The pair were tourists from Wuhan, China, who had not shown symptoms at the time.

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