The Daily Telegraph

‘The audacity of the Government to imply that we are bad parents is shocking’


Lucy and Matthew Jenkins, a couple who remained in lockdown for 10 weeks with two young children despite having severe coronaviru­s symptoms have criticised the Government’s “audacity” for implying that they are bad parents.

Mr and Mrs Jenkins, who have a two-yearold son, Ozzie, and six-monthold son, Ari, were both struck down with coronaviru­s in the middle of March.

Mrs Jenkins, 32, also required surgery during the lockdown to remove potentiall­y cancerous cells from her cervix.

However, despite her serious medical problems, she insisted on going to hospital alone in order to comply with the Government’s social distancing rules, despite “desperatel­y” wanting her husband to go with her.

The couple, who remained in London and did not ask family to help with childcare, found themselves infuriated by the actions of Dominic Cummings, who took his wife and young child 260 miles away from their London home to selfisolat­e on his parents’ farm.

Boris Johnson defended his top adviser’s behaviour on Sunday, saying he “followed the instincts of every father and every parent” by taking them out of London.

“For the Government to have the audacity to imply that other people are bad parents for not taking up those options, or for grandparen­ts missing seeing and holding their grandchild­ren for the first time, really was shocking,” said Mrs Jenkins, who works in PR.

Describing their time in lockdown, she said: “We were sleep deprived and we had two young children to look after.

“I had to have some minor surgery which I had to drive to myself while my husband looked after our children.

“My mum kept offering to look after the children so that my husband could come with me. But we just didn’t think that was an option. I just kept saying no despite wanting desperatel­y to say yes so I could have my husband with me.

“Having to go to hospital for a procedure alone is really at the bottom of anyone’s list.”

Mrs Jenkins, who lives in north London, said that Mr Cummings had found himself in a situation similar to many other families who did not break the rules.

Her sister also went into premature labour six and a half weeks early during the lockdown.

“We couldn’t help,” she said. “We are each other’s first support system, so not being able to help her while being ill myself was very hard.

“I don’t think many of us have experience­d a time when everyone is going through a bad time and nobody can help each other.”

‘My mum kept offering to look after the children … I just kept saying no despite wanting desperatel­y to say yes so I could have my husband with me’

 ??  ?? Lucy and Matthew Jenkins, with their sons, are furious that they and families across the country stuck to the rules strictly even at difficult times while Mr Cummings appeared to flout them
Lucy and Matthew Jenkins, with their sons, are furious that they and families across the country stuck to the rules strictly even at difficult times while Mr Cummings appeared to flout them
 ??  ??

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