The Daily Telegraph

Khan admits his ‘struggle’ in dealing with London’s crisis


SADIQ KHAN has admitted that he has not always “provided proper leadership” as he struggles with his mental health during lockdown.

The Mayor of London said that he was used to stressful situations, but the coronaviru­s pandemic and the resultant lockdown has proved to be “the hardest of [his] profession­al life, in relation to the loneliness”.

In an interview with The Sunday Times Magazine, in which he addressed the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as controvers­ies over his handling of the Transport for London (TFL) saga and the boxing up of public monuments, Mr Khan spoke candidly about his mental health.

“I’ve found it really tough,” he said. “So, for eight weeks I didn’t leave, literally, my home and Tooting Common. That’s it. I thrive on company, on being out and about. And I was struggling.”

Asked if it had seriously affected his mental health, he responded: “I’ve no doubt it did. In the sense of just feeling a bit down. There are days when I’m not providing proper leadership. I definitely… I felt fragile. I can deal with stress. I can compartmen­talise to get through things.

“But the past 10, 11 weeks have been the hardest of my profession­al life, in relation to the loneliness. Because being a leader is lonely. And I’ve struggled. I also realised I should feel confident talking about it. I shouldn’t feel that I’ve got to be this alpha male who demonstrat­es his virility by being superhuman. I’ve got to be honest because, you know, I have struggled.”

The London Mayor also referenced the deal he was forced to strike with No10 in May over the funding crisis at TFL after it required an urgent bailout.

His comments come days after he revealed he is reducing his salary by more than £15,000 as he threatened cuts to police, fire services and the Tube unless the Government offers to bail out London amid the economic crisis.

 ??  ?? The Mayor of London said he had felt the pressure of leadership during the months of lockdown due to the pandemic
The Mayor of London said he had felt the pressure of leadership during the months of lockdown due to the pandemic

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