The Daily Telegraph

Elderly urged to eat plenty of fish for a healthy brain

- By Phoebe Southworth

ELDERLY people should eat plenty of fish to help reduce the amount their brain shrinks as a result of air pollution, a study has suggested.

Omega-3 fats in oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel reduce inflammati­on of the brain and help it retain its structure, according to scientists.

This makes it a key ingredient in battling the toxic effects of fumes from transport and industry, researcher­s from Columbia University in New York concluded.

Air pollution has been at the centre of many studies examining risk factors for cognitive impairment and the likelihood of developing dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Society said there is “a strong case for further research into the effect of air pollution on brain health”.

In the latest study, researcher­s examined the brains of 1,315 women with an average age of 70 and asked them about their diet, physical activity and medical history. They also calculated how much oily fish they were eating every week, and their three-year average exposure to air pollution.

Those who had greater levels of omega-3 had more white matter in their brains and their hippocampu­s was greater in volume, according to their MRI scans.

Dr Ka Kahe, who led the study, said: “Our findings suggest higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood from fish consumptio­n may preserve brain volume as women age and possibly protect against the potential toxic effects of air pollution.

“It’s important to note our study only found an associatio­n between brain volume and eating fish.

“It does not prove that eating fish preserves brain volume. And since separate studies have found some species of fish may contain environmen­tal toxins, it’s important to talk to a doctor about what types of fish to eat before adding more fish to your diet.”

He added: “Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to fight inflammati­on and maintain brain structure in ageing brains. They have also been found to reduce brain damage caused by neurotoxin­s like lead and mercury.”

The findings were published in the journal Neurology.

‘Omega-3 fatty acids can fight inflammati­on and maintain brain structure in ageing brains’

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